Single node on-prem deployment with TGI on Gaudi AI Accelerator

This deployment section covers single-node on-prem deployment of the DocSum example with OPEA comps to deploy using the TGI service. We will be showcasing how to build an e2e DocSum solution with the Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-3 model, deployed on Intel® Gaudi AI Accelerators. To quickly learn about OPEA in just 5 minutes and set up the required hardware and software, please follow the instructions in the Getting Started section.


The DocSum example uses an LLM and an ASR microservice. In this tutorial, we   will walk through the steps on how to enable it from OPEA GenAIComps to deploy on a single node.

The solution uses the Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-3 model on the Gaudi AI Accelerator. We will go through how to set up docker containers to start the microservice and megaservice. The solution will then take a document(.txt,.doc,.pdf), audio or video file as the input and generate a summary. It is deployed with a UI with 3 modes to choose from:

  1. Gradio-Based UI

  2. Svelte-Based UI

  3. React-Based UI

Use the Gradio UI if you will be working with multimedia documents, .doc, or .pdf files. Below is the list of content we will be covering in this tutorial:

  1. Prerequisites

  2. Prepare (Building / Pulling) Docker images

  3. Use case setup

  4. Deploy the use case

  5. Interacting with DocSum deployment


The first step is to clone the GenAIExamples and GenAIComps projects. GenAIComps are fundamental necessary components used to build the examples you find in GenAIExamples and deploy them as microservices. Set an environment variable for the desired release version with the number only (i.e. 1.0, 1.1, etc) and checkout using the tag with that version.

# Set workspace and navigate into it
export WORKSPACE=<path>

# Set desired release version - number only
export RELEASE_VERSION=<insert-release-version>

# GenAIComps
git clone
cd GenAIComps
git checkout tags/v${RELEASE_VERSION}
cd ..

# GenAIExamples
git clone
cd GenAIExamples
git checkout tags/v${RELEASE_VERSION}
cd ..

The example requires you to set the host_ip to deploy the microservices on the endpoint enabled with ports. Set the host_ip env variable.

export host_ip=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')

Make sure to set Proxies if you are behind a firewall.

export no_proxy=${your_no_proxy},$host_ip
export http_proxy=${your_http_proxy}
export https_proxy=${your_http_proxy}

Prepare (Building / Pulling) Docker images

This step will involve building/pulling relevant docker images with a step-by-step process along with a sanity check at the end. For DocSum, the following docker images will be needed: llm-docsum and whisper. Additionally, you will need to build docker images for the DocSum megaservice, while the UI (Svelte/React) is optional. In total, there are 4 required docker images and two optional docker images.

Build/Pull Microservice image

If you decide to pull the docker containers and not build them locally, you can proceed to the next step where all the necessary containers will be pulled in from the Docker hub.

Follow the steps below to build the docker images from within the GenAIComps folder. Note: For RELEASE_VERSIONS older than 1.0, you will need to add a ‘v’ in front of ${RELEASE_VERSION} to reference the correct image on Docker Hub.


Build Whisper Service

docker build -t opea/whisper:${RELEASE_VERSION} --build-arg https_proxy=$https_proxy --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy -f comps/asr/src/integrations/dependency/whisper/Dockerfile .

Build Mega Service images

The Megaservice is a pipeline that channels data through different microservices, each performing varied tasks. The LLM, whisper microservice, and flow of data are defined in the file. You can also add or remove microservices and customize the megaservice to suit your needs.

Build the megaservice image for this use case

cd $WORKSPACE/GenAIExamples/DocSum
docker build -t opea/docsum:${RELEASE_VERSION} --build-arg https_proxy=$https_proxy --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy -f Dockerfile .

Build the UI Image

There are 3 UI options. Below are instructions to build each.

Gradio UI

cd $WORKSPACE/GenAIExamples/DocSum/ui
docker build -t opea/docsum-gradio-ui:${RELEASE_VERSION} --build-arg https_proxy=$https_proxy --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy -f docker/Dockerfile.gradio .

Svelte UI (Optional)

cd $WORKSPACE/GenAIExamples/DocSum/ui
docker build -t opea/docsum-ui:${RELEASE_VERSION} --build-arg https_proxy=$https_proxy --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy -f docker/Dockerfile .

React UI (Optional) If you want a React-based frontend.

export BACKEND_SERVICE_ENDPOINT="http://${host_ip}:8888/v1/docsum"
docker build -t opea/docsum-react-ui:${RELEASE_VERSION} --build-arg BACKEND_SERVICE_ENDPOINT=$BACKEND_SERVICE_ENDPOINT --build-arg https_proxy=$https_proxy --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy  -f ./docker/Dockerfile.react .

Sanity Check

Check if you have the following set of docker images by running the command docker images before moving on to the next step. The tags are based on what you set the environment variable RELEASE_VERSION to.

  • opea/whisper:${RELEASE_VERSION}

  • opea/docsum:${RELEASE_VERSION}

  • opea/docsum-gradio-ui:${RELEASE_VERSION}

  • opea/docsum-ui:${RELEASE_VERSION} (optional)

  • opea/docsum-react-ui:${RELEASE_VERSION} (optional)

Use Case Setup

The use case will use the following combination of GenAIComps and tools.

Use Case Components



Service Type




OPEA Microservice




OPEA Microservice



Gateway Service

Tools and models mentioned in the table are configurable either through the environment variables or compose.yaml file.

Set the necessary environment variables to setup the use case by running the script. Here is where the environment variable LLM_MODEL_ID is set, and you can change it to another model by specifying the HuggingFace model card ID.

Note: If you wish to run the UI on a web browser on your laptop, you will need to modify BACKEND_SERVICE_ENDPOINT to use localhost or instead of host_ip inside for the backend to properly receive data from the UI. Additionally, you will need to port-forward the port used for BACKEND_SERVICE_ENDPOINT. Specifically, for DocSum, append the following to your ssh command:

-L 8888:localhost:8888

Run the script.

cd $WORKSPACE/GenAIExamples/DocSum/docker_compose
source ./

Deploy the Use Case

In this tutorial, we will be deploying via docker compose with the provided YAML file.  The docker compose instructions should start all the above-mentioned services as containers.

cd $WORKSPACE/GenAIExamples/DocSum/docker_compose/intel/hpu/gaudi
docker compose -f compose.yaml up -d

Checks to Ensure the Services are Running

Check Startup and Env Variables

Check the startup log by running docker compose logs to ensure there are no errors. The warning messages print out the variables if they are NOT set.

Here are some sample messages if proxy environment variables are not set:

WARN[0000] The "no_proxy" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "https_proxy" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "http_proxy" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "no_proxy" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "https_proxy" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "http_proxy" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "no_proxy" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "http_proxy" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "https_proxy" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "no_proxy" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "http_proxy" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "https_proxy" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.

Check the Container Status

Check if all the containers launched via docker compose have started.

The DocSum example starts 4 docker containers. Check that these docker containers are all running, i.e., all the containers  STATUS are  Up. You can do this with the docker ps -a command.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                           COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                       PORTS                                       NAMES
8ec82528bcbb   opea/docsum-gradio-ui:${RELEASE_VERSION}                                    "python docsum_ui_gr…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour   >5173/tcp, :::5173->5173/tcp   docsum-gaudi-ui-server
e22344ed80d5   opea/docsum:${RELEASE_VERSION}                                              "python"       About an hour ago   Up About an hour   >8888/tcp, :::8888->8888/tcp   docsum-gaudi-backend-server
bbb3c05a2878   opea/llm-docsum:${RELEASE_VERSION}                                          "bash"     About an hour ago   Up About an hour   >9000/tcp, :::9000->9000/tcp   llm-docsum-gaudi-server
d20a8896d2a0                             "text-generation-lau…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour (healthy)>80/tcp, :::8008->80/tcp       tgi-gaudi-server
8213029b6b26   opea/whisper:${RELEASE_VERSION}                                             "python whisper_serv…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour   >7066/tcp, :::7066->7066/tcp   whisper-server

Interacting with DocSum for Deployment

This section will walk you through the different ways to interact with the microservices deployed. After a couple of minutes, rerun docker ps -a to ensure all the docker containers are still up and running. Then proceed to validate each microservice and megaservice.

TGI Service

curl http://${host_ip}:8008/generate \
 -X POST \
  -d '{"inputs":"What is Deep Learning?","parameters":{"max_new_tokens":17, "do_sample": true}}' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Here is the output:

{"generated_text":"\nDeep learning is a sub-discipline of machine learning. Machine learning is"}

LLM Microservice

curl http://${host_ip}:9000/v1/docsum \
 -X POST \
  -d '{"query":"Text Embeddings Inference (TEI) is a toolkit for deploying and serving open source text embeddings and sequence classification models. TEI enables high-performance extraction for the most popular models, including FlagEmbedding, Ember, GTE, and E5."}' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

The output is the summary of the input given to this microservice.

Whisper Microservice

 curl http://${host_ip}:7066/v1/asr \
 -X POST \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Here is the output:



You can upload documents (.txt, .doc, .pdf), audio, and video to get a summary of the content.

The megaservice accepts input files in txt, pdf, doc format, or plain text in the message parameter.

curl http://${host_ip}:8888/v1/docsum \
 -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
    -F "type=text" \
 -F "messages=Text Embeddings Inference (TEI) is a toolkit for deploying and serving open-source text embeddings and sequence classification models. TEI enables high-performance extraction for the most popular models, including FlagEmbedding, Ember, GTE, and E5." \
    -F "max_tokens=32" \
 -F "language=en" \
    -F "stream=true"

The output will be the summarization of the text content. We can also upload files and modify the other parameters such as the streaming mode and language.

curl http://${host_ip}:8888/v1/docsum \
 -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
   -F "type=text" \
 -F "messages=" \
   -F "files=@/path to your file (.txt, .docx, .pdf)" \
 -F "max_tokens=32" \
   -F "language=en" \
 -F "stream=true"

Audio uploads are not supported through curl command, use the UI to upload it. You can pass base64 string of the audio file as follows :

curl http://${host_ip}:8888/v1/docsum \
 -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
   -F "type=audio" \
   -F "max_tokens=32" \
 -F "language=en" \
   -F "stream=true"

Video uploads are not supported through curl command, use the UI to upload it. You can pass base64 string of the video file as the value for message parameter as shown here :

curl http://${host_ip}:8888/v1/docsum \
 -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
   -F "type=video" \
 -F "messages=convert your video to base64 data type" \
   -F "max_tokens=32" \
 -F "language=en" \
   -F "stream=true"

When dealing with content longer than the maximum input context of the model being used, we can use different summarization strategies such as auto, stuff, truncate, map_reduce, or refine. Depending on various factors like the model’s context size and number of input tokens we can select the strategy that best fits.

  1. Auto : In this mode, we will check input token length, if it exceeds MAX_INPUT_TOKENS, the summary_type will automatically be set to refine mode, otherwise will be set to stuff mode.

  2. Stuff : In this mode, the LLM generates a summary based on the complete input text. In this case please carefully set MAX_INPUT_TOKENS and MAX_TOTAL_TOKENS according to your model and device memory, otherwise, it may exceed the LLM context limit and raise an error.

  3. Truncate : Truncate mode will truncate the input text and keep only the first chunk, whose length is equal to min(MAX_TOTAL_TOKENS - input.max_tokens - 50, MAX_INPUT_TOKENS).

  4. Map_reduce : Map_reduce mode will split the inputs into multiple chunks, map each document to an individual summary, then consolidate those summaries into a single global summary. stream=True is not allowed here. In this mode, default chunk_size is set to be min(MAX_TOTAL_TOKENS - input.max_tokens - 50, MAX_INPUT_TOKENS).

  5. Refine : Refine mode will split the inputs into multiple chunks, generate a summary for the first one, then combine it with the second, and loop over every remaining chunk to get the final summary. In this mode, default chunk_size is set to be min(MAX_TOTAL_TOKENS - 2 * input.max_tokens - 128, MAX_INPUT_TOKENS).

We can define the summary_type by providing one of the 5 values discussed above as the value for the summary_type variable as shown below:

curl http://${host_ip}:8888/v1/docsum \
 -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
   -F "type=text" \
 -F "messages=" \
   -F "max_tokens=32" \
 -F "files=@/path to your file (.txt, .docx, .pdf)" \
   -F "language=en" \
 -F "summary_type=One of the above 5 types"

Launch UI

Gradio UI

To access the frontend, open the following URL in your browser: http://{host_ip}:5173. By default, the UI runs on port 5173 internally. If you prefer to use a different host port to access the frontend, you can modify the port mapping in the compose.yaml file as shown below:

  image: ${REGISTRY:-opea}/docsum-ui:${TAG:-latest}
  - "5173:5173"

Svelte UI (Optional)

To access the Svelte-based frontend, modify the UI service in the compose.yaml file. Replace docsum-gradio-ui service with the docsum-ui service as per the config below:

 image: ${REGISTRY:-opea}/docsum-ui:${TAG:-latest}
 container_name: docsum-gaudi-ui-server
 - docsum-gaudi-backend-server
 - "5173:5173"
 - no_proxy=${no_proxy}
 - https_proxy=${https_proxy}
 - http_proxy=${http_proxy}
 ipc: host
 restart: always

Open the following URL in your browser: http://{host_ip}:5173 to access the UI.

React-Based UI (Optional)

To access the React-based frontend, modify the UI service in the compose.yaml file. Replace docsum-gradio-ui service with the docsum-react-ui service as per the config below:

  image: ${REGISTRY:-opea}/docsum-react-ui:${TAG:-latest}
  container_name: docsum-gaudi-react-ui-server
  - docsum-gaudi-backend-server
  - "5174:80"
  - no_proxy=${no_proxy}
  - https_proxy=${https_proxy}
   - http_proxy=${http_proxy}
 ipc: host
 restart: always

Once the services are up, open the following URL in your browser: http://{host_ip}:5174. By default, the UI runs on port 80 internally. If you prefer to use a different host port to access the frontend, you can modify the port mapping in the compose.yaml file as shown below:

    image: ${REGISTRY:-opea}/docsum-react-ui:${TAG:-latest}
    - "80:80"

Check Docker Container Logs

You can check the log of a container by running this command:

docker logs <CONTAINER ID> -t

You can also check the overall logs with the following command, where the compose.yaml is the megaservice docker-compose configuration file.

Assumming you are still in this directory $WORKSPACE/GenAIExamples/DocSum/docker_compose/intel/hpu/gaudi, run the following command to check the logs:

docker compose -f compose.yaml logs

View the docker input parameters in  $WORKSPACE/GenAIExamples/DocSum/docker_compose/intel/hpu/gaudi/compose.yaml

    container_name: tgi-gaudi-server
      - ${LLM_ENDPOINT_PORT:-8008}:80
      - "${DATA_PATH:-data}:/data"
      no_proxy: ${no_proxy}
      http_proxy: ${http_proxy}
      https_proxy: ${https_proxy}
      OMPI_MCA_btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism: none
      ENABLE_HPU_GRAPH: true
      LIMIT_HPU_GRAPH: true
      host_ip: ${host_ip}
    runtime: habana
      - SYS_NICE
    ipc: host
      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://${host_ip}:${LLM_ENDPOINT_PORT}/health || exit 1"]
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 100
    command: --model-id ${LLM_MODEL_ID} --max-input-length ${MAX_INPUT_TOKENS} --max-total-tokens ${MAX_TOTAL_TOKENS}

The input --model-id is  ${LLM_MODEL_ID}. Ensure the environment variable LLM_MODEL_ID is set and spelled correctly. Check spelling. Whenever this is changed, restart the containers to use the newly selected model.

Stop the services

Once you are done with the entire pipeline and wish to stop and remove all the containers, use the command below:

docker compose down