Getting Started with OPEA

This document specifically details the steps for deploying services on IBM Cloud, providing a tailored guide to help you leverage IBM’s cloud infrastructure to deploy the ChatQnA application from OPEA GenAI Examples. For additional deployment targets, see the ChatQnA Sample Guide

Understanding OPEA’s Core Components

Before moving forward, it’s important to familiarize yourself with two key elements of OPEA: GenAIComps and GenAIExamples.

  • GenAIComps is a collection of microservice components that form a service-based toolkit. This includes a variety of services such as llm (large language models), embedding, and reranking, among others.

  • While GenAIComps offers a range of microservices, GenAIExamples provides practical, deployable solutions to help users implement these services effectively. Examples include ChatQnA and DocSum, which leverage the microservices for specific applications.


Create and Configure a Virtual Server

  1. Navigate to IBM Cloud. - Click the Create resource button at the top right of the screen. Select Compute from the options available and select Virtual Server for VPC

  2. Select a location for the instance. Assign a name to it.

  3. Under Stock Images, select Ubuntu 24.04 (ibm-ubuntu-24-04-6-minimal-amd64-1)

  4. Select a virtual server.

Note: We recommend selecting a 3-series instance with an Intel(R) 4th Gen Xeon(C) Scalable Processor, such as bx3d-16x80 or above. For more information on virtual servers on IBM cloud visit Intel® solutions on IBM Cloud®.

  1. Add an SSH key to the instance, if necessary, create one first.

  2. Click on Create virtual server.

  3. Once the instance is running, create and attach a Floating IP to the instance. For more information visit this site

  4. ssh into the instance using the floating IP (ssh -i <key> ubuntu@<floating-ip>)

Deploy the ChatQnA Solution

Use the command below to install docker on a clean virtual machine

chmod +x

Configure Docker to run as a non-root user by following these instructions

Clone the repo and navigate to ChatQnA

git clone
cd GenAIExamples/ChatQnA

Set the required environment variables:

export host_ip="localhost"
export HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN="Your_Huggingface_API_Token"

Set up other specific use-case environment variables:

cd docker_compose/intel/cpu/xeon/

Now we can start the services

docker compose up -d

It takes a few minutes for the services to start. Check the logs for the services to ensure that ChatQnA is running. For example to check the logs for the tgi-service:

docker compose logs tgi-service | grep Connected

The output shows Connected as shown:

tgi-service | 2024-10-18T22:41:18.973042Z INFO text_generation_router::server: router/src/ Connected

Run docker ps -a as an additional check to verify that all the services are running as shown:

| CONTAINER ID | IMAGE                                                                  | COMMAND                | CREATED      | STATUS      | PORTS                                                                                    | NAMES                        |
| 3a65ff9e16bd | opea/nginx:latest                                                      | `/docker-entrypoint.\…`| 14 hours ago | Up 14 hours |>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp                                                        | chatqna-xeon-nginx-server    |
| 7563b2ee1cd9 | opea/chatqna-ui:latest                                                 | `docker-entrypoint.s\…`| 14 hours ago | Up 14 hours |>5173/tcp, :::5173->5173/tcp                                                | chatqna-xeon-ui-server       |
| 9ea57a660cd6 | opea/chatqna:latest                                                    | `python`    | 14 hours ago | Up 14 hours |>8888/tcp, :::8888->8888/tcp                                                | chatqna-xeon-backend-server  |
| 451bacaac3e6 | opea/retriever-redis:latest                                            | `python retriever_re\…`| 14 hours ago | Up 14 hours |>7000/tcp, :::7000->7000/tcp                                                | retriever-redis-server       |
| c1f952ef5c08 | opea/dataprep-redis:latest                                             | `python prepare_doc_\…`| 14 hours ago | Up 14 hours |>6007/tcp, :::6007->6007/tcp                                                | dataprep-redis-server        |
| 2a874ed8ce6f | redis/redis-stack:7.2.0-v9                                             | `/`       | 14 hours ago | Up 14 hours |>6379/tcp, :::6379->6379/tcp,>8001/tcp, :::8001->8001/tcp     | redis-vector-db              |
| ac7b62306eb8 |                  | `text-embeddings-rou\…`| 14 hours ago | Up 14 hours |>80/tcp, [::]:8808->80/tcp                                                  | tei-reranking-server         |
| 521cc7faa00e |    | `text-generation-lau\…`| 14 hours ago | Up 14 hours |>80/tcp, [::]:9009->80/tcp                                                  | tgi-service                  |
| 9faf553d3939 |                  | `text-embeddings-rou\…`| 14 hours ago | Up 14 hours |>80/tcp, [::]:6006->80/tcp                                                  | tei-embedding-server         |

Interact with ChatQnA

You can interact with ChatQnA via a browser interface:

  • Under Infrastructure in the left pane, go to Network/Security groups/<Your Security Group>/Rules

  • Select Create

  • Enable inbound traffic for port 80

  • To view the ChatQnA interface, open a browser and navigate to the UI by inserting your externally facing IP address in the following: `http://{external_public_ip}:80’.

For more information on editing inbound/outbound rules, click here

A snapshot of the interface looks as follows:

Chat Interface

Note: this example leverages the Nike 2023 Annual report for its RAG based content. See the ChatQnA Sample Guide to learn how you can customize the example with your own content.

To interact with the ChatQnA application via a curl command:

curl http://${host_ip}:8888/v1/chatqna \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
        "messages": "What is the revenue of Nike in 2023?"

ChatQnA provides the answer to your query as a text stream.

Modify the message parameter in the curl command to continue interacting with ChatQnA.

What’s Next

  • Try GenAIExamples in-detail starting with ChatQnA example; this is a great example to orient yourself to the OPEA ecosystem.

  • Try GenAIComps to build microservices.

Get Involved

Have you ideas and skills to build out genAI components, microservices, and solutions? Would you like to be a part of this evolving technology in its early stages? Welcome!

  • Register for our mailing list:

    • General:

    • Technical Discussions:

  • Subscribe to the working group mailing lists that interest you

    • End user

    • Evaluation

    • Community

    • Research

    • Security

  • Go to the Community Section of the OPEA repo for Contribution Guidelines and step by step instructions.

  • Attend any of our community events and hackathons.

Current GenAI Examples

  • Simple chatbot that uses retrieval augmented generation (RAG) architecture. ChatQnA

  • Code generation, from enabling non-programmers to generate code to improving productivity with code completion of complex applications. [CodeGen]

  • Make your applications more flexible by porting to different languages. CodeTrans

  • Create summaries of news articles, research papers, technical documents, etc. to streamline content systems. DocSum

  • Mimic human behavior by iteratively searching, selecting, and synthesizing information across large bodies of content. SearchQnA

  • Provide critical content to your customers by automatically generating Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) resources. FaqGen

  • Provide text descriptions from pictures, enabling your users to inquire directly about products, services, sites, etc. VisualQnA

  • Reduce language barriers through customizable text translation systems. Translation