OPEA Community

Community Support

Welcome to the OPEA project community!

The OPEA Community includes developers from member organizations and the general community all joining in the development of the project. Members contribute and discuss ideas, submit bugs and bug fixes, and improve documentation. They also help those in need through the community’s forums and mailing lists. Anyone can join the developer community and the community is always willing to help its members and the User Community to get the most out of OPEA.


Here’s a quick summary of resources to find your way around the OPEA Project support systems:

  • OPEA Project Website: The https://opea.dev website is the central source of information about what’s going on with OPEA. On this site, you’ll find background and current information about the project as well as relevant links to project material.

  • Source Code in GitHub: OPEA Project source code is maintained on a public GitHub repository at https://github.com/opea-project. You’ll find information about getting access to the repository and how to contribute to the project in this Contribution Guide.

  • Documentation: Project technical documentation is developed along with the project’s code, and can be found at https://opea-project.github.io.

  • Issue Reporting and Tracking: Requirements and Issue tracking is done in the Github issues system within each of the major repositories such as: https://github.com/opea-project/GenAIComps/issues. You can browse through the reported issues and submit issues of your own.

  • Mailing List: TBD

Contributing Guides


Project Governance

RFC Proposals