Request for Comments (RFCs)

This folder is used to archive all RFCs contributed by OPEA community. Either users directly contribute RFC to this folder or submit to each OPEA repository’s Issues page with the [RFC]: xxx string pattern in title. The latter will be automatically stored to here by an archieve tool.

The file naming convention follows this rule: yy-mm-dd-[OPEA Project Name]-[index]

For example,

RFC Template

When creating a new RFC, follow the existing RFCs as an example, or use this template:

# RFC Template

Replace the "RFC Template" heading with your RFC Title, followed by
the short description of the feature you want to contribute

## Author(s)

List all contributors of this RFC.

## Status

Change the PR status to `Under Review` | `Rejected` | `Accepted`.

## Objective

List what problem will this solve? What are the goals and non-goals of this RFC?

## Motivation

List why this problem is valuable to solve? Whether some related work exists?

## Design Proposal

This is the heart of the document, used to elaborate the design philosophy and detail proposal.

## Alternatives Considered

List other alternatives if have, and corresponding pros/cons to each proposal.

## Compatibility

list possible incompatible interface or workflow changes if exists.

## Miscellaneous

List other information user and developer may care about, such as:

- Performance Impact, such as speed, memory, accuracy.
- Engineering Impact, such as binary size, startup time, build time, test times.
- Security Impact, such as code vulnerability.
- TODO List or staging plan.