Rerank Model Finetuning

Rerank model finetuning is the process of further training rerank model on a dataset for improving its capability on specific field.

Deploy Rerank Model Finetuning Service

Deploy Rerank Model Finetuning Service on Xeon

Refer to the Xeon Guide for detail.

Deploy Rerank Model Finetuning Service on Gaudi

Refer to the Gaudi Guide for detail.

Consume Rerank Model Finetuning Service

1. Upload a training file

Download a toy example training file toy_finetune_data.jsonl and upload it to the server with below command, this file can be downloaded in here:

# upload a training file
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/files -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@./toy_finetune_data.jsonl" -F purpose="fine-tune"

2. Create fine-tuning job

After a training file toy_finetune_data.jsonl is uploaded, use the following command to launch a finetuning job using BAAI/bge-reranker-large as base model:

# create a finetuning job
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/fine_tuning/jobs \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "training_file": "toy_finetune_data.jsonl",
    "model": "BAAI/bge-reranker-large",

3. Manage fine-tuning job

Below commands show how to list finetuning jobs, retrieve a finetuning job, cancel a finetuning job and list checkpoints of a finetuning job.

# list finetuning jobs
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/fine_tuning/jobs -X GET

# retrieve one finetuning job
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/fine_tuning/jobs/retrieve -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"fine_tuning_job_id": ${fine_tuning_job_id}}'

# cancel one finetuning job
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/fine_tuning/jobs/cancel -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"fine_tuning_job_id": ${fine_tuning_job_id}}'

# list checkpoints of a finetuning job
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/finetune/list_checkpoints -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"fine_tuning_job_id": ${fine_tuning_job_id}}'