HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) support¶
Table of Contents¶
option enables HPA scaling for the TGI and TEI inferencing deployments:
Autoscaling is based on custom application metrics provided through Prometheus.
Read post-install steps before installation!
Resource requests¶
HPA controlled CPU pods SHOULD have appropriate resource requests or affinity rules (enabled in their subcharts and tested to work) so that k8s scheduler does not schedule too many of them on the same node(s). Otherwise they never reach ready state.
If you use different models than the default ones, update TGI and TEI resource requests to match model requirements.
Too large requests would not be a problem as long as pods still fit to available nodes. However, unless rules have been added to pods preventing them from being scheduled on same nodes, too small requests would be an issue:
Multiple inferencing instances interfere / slow down each other, especially if there are no NRI policies that provide further isolation
Containers can become non-functional when their actual resource usage crosses the specified limits
If cluster does not run Prometheus operator yet, it SHOULD be be installed before enabling HPA, e.g. by using a Helm chart for it: https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack
Prometheus-adapter is also needed, to provide k8s custom metrics based on collected TGI / TEI metrics: https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/prometheus-adapter
To install (older versions) of them:
$ helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
$ helm repo update
$ prom_ns=monitoring # namespace for Prometheus/-adapter
$ kubectl create ns $prom_ns
$ helm install prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --version 55.5.2 -n $prom_ns
$ kubectl get services -n $prom_ns
$ helm install prometheus-adapter prometheus-community/prometheus-adapter --version 4.10.0 -n $prom_ns \
--set prometheus.url=http://prometheus-stack-kube-prom-prometheus.$prom_ns.svc \
--set prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues=false
NOTE: the service name given above in prometheus.url
must match the listed Prometheus service name,
otherwise adapter cannot access it!
(Alternative for setting the above prometheusSpec
variable to false
is making sure that
value in top-level chart matches the release name given to the Prometheus
install i.e. when it differs from prometheus-stack
used above. That is used to annotate
created serviceMonitors with a label Prometheus requires when above option is true
Why HPA is opt-in:
Installing custom metrics for HPA requires manual post-install steps, as Prometheus-operator and -adapter are missing support needed to automate that
Top level chart name needs to conform to Prometheus metric naming conventions, as it is also used as a metric name prefix (with dashes converted to underscores)
By default Prometheus adds k8s RBAC rules for accessing metrics from
namespaces. If Helm is asked to install OPEA services to some other namespace, those rules need to be updated accordinglyUnless pod resource requests, affinity rules, scheduling topology constraints and/or cluster NRI policies are used to better isolate service inferencing pods from each other, instances scaled up on same node may never get to ready state
Current HPA rules are just examples, for efficient scaling they need to be fine-tuned for given setup performance (underlying HW, used models and data types, OPEA version etc)
Debugging missing custom metric issues is hard as logs rarely include anything helpful
Enable HPA¶
ChatQnA includes pre-configured values files for scaling the services.
To enable HPA, add -f chatqna/hpa-values.yaml
option to your helm install
command line.
If CPU versions of TGI (and TEI) services are being scaled, resource requests and probe timings
suitable for CPU usage need to be used. Add -f chatqna/cpu-values.yaml
option to your helm install
line. If you need to change model specified there, update the resource requests accordingly.
Above step created custom metrics config for Prometheus-adapter suitable for HPA use.
Take backup of existing custom metrics config before replacing it:
$ prom_ns=monitoring # Prometheus/-adapter namespace
$ name=$(kubectl -n $prom_ns get cm --selector app.kubernetes.io/name=prometheus-adapter -o name | cut -d/ -f2)
$ kubectl -n $prom_ns get cm/$name -o yaml > adapter-config.yaml.bak
Save generated config with values matching current adapter config:
$ chart=chatqna # OPEA chart release name
$ kubectl get cm/$chart-custom-metrics -o yaml | sed \
-e "s/name:.*custom-metrics$/name: $name/" \
-e "s/namespace: default$/namespace: $prom_ns/" \
> adapter-config.yaml
NOTE: if there are existing custom metric rules you need to retain, add them from saved
to adapter-config.yaml
file now!
Overwrite current Prometheus-adapter configMap with generated one:
$ kubectl delete -n $prom_ns cm/$name
$ kubectl apply -f adapter-config.yaml
And restart it, so that it will use the new config:
$ selector=app.kubernetes.io/name=prometheus-adapter
$ kubectl -n $prom_ns delete $(kubectl -n $prom_ns get pod --selector $selector -o name)
To verify that horizontalPodAutoscaler options work, it’s better to check that both metrics from the inferencing services, and HPA rules using custom metrics generated from them, do work.
(Names of the object names depend on whether Prometheus was installed from manifests, or Helm, and the release name given for its Helm install.)
Check installed Prometheus service names:
$ prom_ns=monitoring # Prometheus/-adapter namespace
$ kubectl -n $prom_ns get svc
Use service name matching your Prometheus installation:
$ prom_svc=prometheus-stack-kube-prom-prometheus # Metrics service
Verify Prometheus found metric endpoints for chart services, i.e. last number on curl
output is non-zero:
$ chart=chatqna # OPEA chart release name
$ prom_url=http://$(kubectl -n $prom_ns get -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}:{.spec.ports[0].port}" svc/$prom_svc)
$ curl --no-progress-meter $prom_url/metrics | grep scrape_pool_targets.*$chart
NOTE: TGI and TEI inferencing services provide metrics endpoint only after they’ve processed their first request, and reranking service will be used only after context data has been uploaded!
Check that both Prometheus metrics required from TGI are available:
$ for m in sum count; do
curl --no-progress-meter $prom_url/api/v1/query? \
--data-urlencode query=tgi_request_inference_duration_$m'{service="'$chart'-tgi"}' | jq;
done | grep __name__
PrometheusAdapter lists corresponding TGI and/or TEI custom metrics (prefixed with chart name):
$ kubectl get --raw /apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1 | jq .resources[].name
And HPA rules have TARGET values for HPA controlled service deployments (instead of <unknown>
$ ns=default # OPEA namespace
$ kubectl -n $ns get hpa