AutoRAG to evaluate the RAG system performance

AutoRAG is help to end-to-end evaluate the performance of the whole system. Currently, we support to evaluate the performance from 4 perspectives, answer_relevancy, faithfulness, context_recall, context_precision. Before using this service, the use should firstly prepare the groundtruth dataset in the standard format. We also provide a script to automatically generate the groundtruth query and answer.

Service preparation

The evaluation for the RAG system is based on the set up of the RAG services. Please follow the steps to set up your RAG services.

RAG evaluation

At this moment, we provide a solution that test the single group of parameters and multiple groups of parameters. For evaluating the single group of parameters, please firectly use this script.

python -u --ground_truth_file ground_truth.jsonl --search_type mmr --k 1 --fetch_k 5 --score_threshold 0.3 --top_n 1 --temperature 0.01 --top_k 5 --top_p 0.95 --repetition_penalty 1.1 --use_openai_key True

For evaluating multiple groups of parameters, please use this script.

python -u --config config.yaml

The group parameters should predefined in a config.yaml. It will pass available parameters to the RAG system.


Due to some dependences issues, we can use OpenAI-series models to evaluate the RAG system from the four perspectives, answer_relevancy, faithfulness, context_recall, context_precision. If you want to use your local model to evaluate the RAG system, it can only support the evaluation for answer_relevancy and faithfulness.