Start Chroma server


Chroma is a AI-native open-source vector database focused on developer productivity and happiness. Chroma is licensed under Apache 2.0. Chroma runs in various modes, we can deploy it as a server running your local machine or in the cloud.

Getting Started

Start Chroma Server

To start the Chroma server on your local machine, follow these steps:

git clone
cd chroma
docker compose up -d

Start Log Output

Upon starting the server, you should see log outputs similar to the following:

server-1  | Starting 'uvicorn' with args: --workers 1 --host --port 8000 --proxy-headers --log-config chromadb/log_config.yml --timeout-keep-alive 30
server-1  | INFO:     [02-08-2024 07:03:19] Set chroma_server_nofile to 65536
server-1  | INFO:     [02-08-2024 07:03:19] Anonymized telemetry enabled. See            for more information.
server-1  | DEBUG:    [02-08-2024 07:03:19] Starting component System
server-1  | DEBUG:    [02-08-2024 07:03:19] Starting component OpenTelemetryClient
server-1  | DEBUG:    [02-08-2024 07:03:19] Starting component SqliteDB
server-1  | DEBUG:    [02-08-2024 07:03:19] Starting component QuotaEnforcer
server-1  | DEBUG:    [02-08-2024 07:03:19] Starting component Posthog
server-1  | DEBUG:    [02-08-2024 07:03:19] Starting component LocalSegmentManager
server-1  | DEBUG:    [02-08-2024 07:03:19] Starting component SegmentAPI
server-1  | INFO:     [02-08-2024 07:03:19] Started server process [1]
server-1  | INFO:     [02-08-2024 07:03:19] Waiting for application startup.
server-1  | INFO:     [02-08-2024 07:03:19] Application startup complete.
server-1  | INFO:     [02-08-2024 07:03:19] Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)