Doc Summary React

📸 Project Screenshots

project-screenshot project-screenshot

🧐 Features

Here’re some of the project’s features:

  • Generate FAQs from Text via Pasting: Paste the text to into the text box, then click ‘Generate FAQ’ to produce a condensed FAQ of the content, which will be displayed in the ‘FAQ’ box below.

  • Generate FAQs from Text via txt file Upload: Upload the file in the Upload bar, then click ‘Generate FAQ’ to produce a condensed FAQ of the content, which will be displayed in the ‘FAQ’ box below.

🛠️ Get it Running

  1. Clone the repo.

  2. cd command to the current folder.

  3. Modify the required .env variables.

  4. Execute npm install to install the corresponding dependencies.

  5. Execute npm run dev in both environments