Fine-tuning Microservice

Fine-tuning microservice involves adapting a model to a specific task or dataset to improve its performance on that task, we currently supported instruction tuning for LLMs, finetuning for reranking and embedding models.

🚀1. Start Microservice with Python (Option 1)

1.1 Install Requirements

python -m pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
python -m pip install intel-extension-for-pytorch
python -m pip install oneccl_bind_pt --extra-index-url
pip install -r requirements.txt

1.2 Start Finetuning Service with Python Script

1.2.1 Start Ray Cluster

OneCCL and Intel MPI libraries should be dynamically linked in every node before Ray starts:

source $(python -c "import oneccl_bindings_for_pytorch as torch_ccl; print(torch_ccl.cwd)")/env/

Start Ray locally using the following command.

ray start --head

For a multi-node cluster, start additional Ray worker nodes with below command.

ray start --address='${head_node_ip}:6379'

1.2.2 Start Finetuning Service

export HF_TOKEN=${your_huggingface_token}

🚀2. Start Microservice with Docker (Option 2)

2.1 Setup on CPU

2.1.1 Build Docker Image

Build docker image with below command:

export HF_TOKEN=${your_huggingface_token}
cd ../../
docker build -t opea/finetuning:latest --build-arg https_proxy=$https_proxy --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy --build-arg HF_TOKEN=$HF_TOKEN -f comps/finetuning/Dockerfile .

2.1.2 Run Docker with CLI

Start docker container with below command:

docker run -d --name="finetuning-server" -p 8015:8015 --runtime=runc --ipc=host -e http_proxy=$http_proxy -e https_proxy=$https_proxy opea/finetuning:latest

2.2 Setup on Gaudi2

2.2.1 Build Docker Image

Build docker image with below command:

cd ../../
docker build -t opea/finetuning-gaudi:latest --build-arg https_proxy=$https_proxy --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy -f comps/finetuning/Dockerfile.intel_hpu .

2.2.2 Run Docker with CLI

Start docker container with below command:

export HF_TOKEN=${your_huggingface_token}
docker run --runtime=habana -e HABANA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -p 8015:8015 -e OMPI_MCA_btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism=none --cap-add=sys_nice --net=host --ipc=host -e https_proxy=$https_proxy -e http_proxy=$http_proxy -e no_proxy=$no_proxy -e HF_TOKEN=$HF_TOKEN opea/finetuning-gaudi:latest

🚀3. Consume Finetuning Service

3.1 Upload a training file

Download a training file, such as alpaca_data.json for instruction tuning and upload it to the server with below command, this file can be downloaded in here:

# upload a training file
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/files -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "file=@./alpaca_data.json" -F purpose="fine-tune"

For reranking and embedding models finetuning, the training file toy_finetune_data.jsonl is an toy example.

3.2 Create fine-tuning job

3.2.1 Instruction Tuning

After a training file like alpaca_data.json is uploaded, use the following command to launch a finetuning job using meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf as base model:

# create a finetuning job
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/fine_tuning/jobs \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "training_file": "alpaca_data.json",
    "model": "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf"

3.2.2 Reranking Model Training

Use the following command to launch a finetuning job for reranking model finetuning, such as BAAI/bge-reranker-large:

# create a finetuning job
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/fine_tuning/jobs \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "training_file": "toy_finetune_data.jsonl",
    "model": "BAAI/bge-reranker-large",

3.2.3 Embedding Model Training

Use the following command to launch a finetuning job for embedding model finetuning, such as BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5:

# create a finetuning job
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/fine_tuning/jobs \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "training_file": "toy_finetune_data.jsonl",
    "model": "BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5",

# If training on Gaudi2, we need to set --padding "max_length" and the value of --query_max_len is same with --passage_max_len for static shape during training. For example:
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/fine_tuning/jobs \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "training_file": "toy_finetune_data.jsonl",
    "model": "BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5",

3.2.4 LLM Pretraining

Use the following command to launch a job for LLM pretraining, such as meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf:

# create a finetuning job
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/fine_tuning/jobs \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "training_file": "test_data.json",
    "model": "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf",

Below is an example for the format of the pretraining dataset:

{"text": "A girl with a blue tank top sitting watching three dogs."}
{"text": "A boy with a blue tank top sitting watching three dogs."}

3.3 Manage fine-tuning job

Below commands show how to list finetuning jobs, retrieve a finetuning job, cancel a finetuning job and list checkpoints of a finetuning job.

# list finetuning jobs
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/fine_tuning/jobs -X GET

# retrieve one finetuning job
curl http://localhost:8015/v1/fine_tuning/jobs/retrieve -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"fine_tuning_job_id": ${fine_tuning_job_id}}'

# cancel one finetuning job
curl http://localhost:8015/v1/fine_tuning/jobs/cancel -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"fine_tuning_job_id": ${fine_tuning_job_id}}'

# list checkpoints of a finetuning job
curl http://${your_ip}:8015/v1/finetune/list_checkpoints -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"fine_tuning_job_id": ${fine_tuning_job_id}}'

3.4 Leverage fine-tuned model

After fine-tuning job is done, fine-tuned model can be chosen from listed checkpoints, then the fine-tuned model can be used in other microservices. For example, fine-tuned reranking model can be used in reranks microservice by assign its path to the environment variable RERANK_MODEL_ID, fine-tuned embedding model can be used in embeddings microservice by assign its path to the environment variable model, LLMs after instruction tuning can be used in llms microservice by assign its path to the environment variable your_hf_llm_model.

🚀4. Descriptions for Finetuning parameters

We utilize OpenAI finetuning parameters and extend it with more customizable parameters, see the definitions at finetune_config.