Auto-Tuning for ChatQnA: Optimizing Resource Allocation in Kubernetes

This document describes the Auto-Tuning framework, a tool designed to streamline deployment strategies for resource-intensive services, particularly in ChatQnA environments. It leverages Kubernetes for container orchestration and integrates experimental data with out prior knowledge to fine-tune deployments for optimal performance.

Key Features

  • Hardware Efficiency: Focuses on adjusting replica counts and maximizing the utilization of CPU and HPU (Habana Processing Unit) resources.

  • Theoretical and Experimental Optimization: Integrates theoretical best practices with our prior knowledge to ensure optimal resource allocation for services.


To generate the strategy.json configuration file for deployment, use the following command:

# Kubernetes Deployment
python3 --tuning_config replica_tuning_config.json --hardware_info hardware_info_gaudi.json --service_info chatqna_neuralchat_rerank_latest.yaml

# Note: Add --config_only to output deployment configs only.

Configuration Files

  1. hardware_info_gaudi.json: Specifies the hardware details (CPU, HPU, etc.).

  2. chatqna_neuralchat_rerank_latest.yaml: Contains service deployment information.

  3. tuning_config.json: Customizes tuning parameters for replica counts and granularity.


This file lists only the hardware devices to be used in deployment.

    "device_0": {
        "ip": ["", ""],
        "type": "hpu",
        "sockets": 2,
        "cores_per_socket": 64,
        "num_cards": 8

Please refer to hardware_info_gaudi.json for more details.


This file includes all services that will be deployed.

        ... ...
        ... ...

        ... ...

            tag: latest
            type: cpu
                    tag: 2.0.4
                    type: hpu
                        model_id: "Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-3"

        tag: latest
        type: cpu

Please refer to chatqna_neuralchat_rerank_latest.yaml for more details.

Tuning Config Parameters

embedding_replicas_granularity = 1: This defines the step size for scaling the number of replicas for the embedding server.

  • Value (1): Each scaling operation increases or decreases the number of replicas by 1 at a time.

embedding_replicas_min = 1: This sets the minimum number of replicas allowed for the embedding server.

  • Value (1): The service will always have at least 1 replica running, ensuring that it is available for deployment.

embedding_replicas_max = 4: This defines the maximum number of replicas allowed for the embedding server.

  • Value (4): The service can be scaled up to a maximum of 4 replicas, limiting resource consumption and avoiding over-provisioning.

microservice_replicas_granularity = 1: This specifies the scaling step size for other microservices (such as retrieval, dataprep, etc.).

  • Value (1): Similar to the embedding_replicas_granularity, the number of replicas for these microservices will scale by 1 replica at a time.

microservice_replicas_min = 1: This parameter sets the minimum number of replicas for these microservices.

  • Value (1): Ensures that each microservice always has at least 1 replica running.

microservice_replicas_max = 4: This defines the upper limit for scaling replicas for these microservices.

  • Value (4): The maximum number of replicas allowed for the microservices is 4.

If you want to adjust the default tuning parameters, just create a replica_tuning_config.json file. For example:

    "embedding_replicas_granularity": 1,
    "embedding_replicas_min": 1,
    "embedding_replicas_max": 4,

    "microservice_replicas_granularity": 1,
    "microservice_replicas_min": 1,
    "microservice_replicas_max": 4

Please refer to replica_tuning_config.json for more details.


The output of the auto-tuning process includes two key components:

  1. strategy_files: Contains optimized configurations for deploying services, such as replica counts and hardware resource allocations.

  2. K8S manifests: Provides the Kubernetes deployment specifications, including pod definitions and resource limits, ready for deployment.

Example of a strategy file:

    "embedding-dependency": {
        "type": "cpu",
        "image": "",
        "model_id": "BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5",
        "replica": 1
    "llm-microservice": {
        "type": "cpu",
        "image": "opea/llm-tgi:latest",
        "replica": 4
    "reranking-dependency": {
        "type": "hpu",
        "image": "opea/tei-gaudi:latest",
        "model_id": "BAAI/bge-reranker-base",
        "replica": 1,
        "cards": 1
    "chatqna_mega_service": {
        "image": "opea/chatqna:latest",
        "type": "cpu",
        "replica": 4

Both the K8S manifests and strategy files are generated in the current directory, providing everything needed for deployment.

Deployment methods: simply run kubectl apply -f on the newly generated *_run.yaml files and the chatqna_config_map.