# Reporting a Vulnerability Report any security vulnerabilities in this project by following these [Linux Foundation security guidelines](https://www.linuxfoundation.org/security). ## Script Usage Notice SCRIPT USAGE NOTICE: By downloading and using any script file included with the associated software package (such as files with .bat, .cmd, or .JS extensions, Dockerfiles, or any other type of file that, when executed, automatically downloads and/or installs files onto your system) (the “Script File”), it is your obligation to review the Script File to understand what files (e.g., other software, AI models, AI Datasets) the Script File will download to your system (“Downloaded Files”). Furthermore, by downloading and using the Downloaded Files, even if they are installed through a silent install, you agree to any and all terms and conditions associated with such files, including but not limited to, license terms, notices, or disclaimers.