# redis-vector-db Helm chart for deploying Redis Vector DB service. ## Install the Chart To install the chart, run the following: ```console cd ${GenAIInfro_repo}/helm-charts/common helm install redis-vector-db redis-vector-db ``` ## Verify To verify the installation, run the command `kubectl get pod` to make sure all the redis pods are runinng. Then run the command `kubectl port-forward svc/redis-vector-db 6379:6379` to expose the redis vector db service for access. Open another terminal and run the command `redis-cli -h -p 6379 ping` to access the redis vector db. The `redis-cli` command should return `PONG`. ## Values | Key | Type | Default | Description | | ---------------------------- | ------ | --------------------- | ---------------------- | | image.repository | string | `"redis/redis-stack"` | | | image.tag | string | `"7.2.0-v9"` | | | service.port (redis-service) | string | `"6379"` | The redis-service port | | service.port (redis-insight) | string | `"8001"` | The redis-insight port |