# prompt-usvc Helm chart for deploying prompt-usvc microservice. prompt-usvc will use mongo database service, please specify the endpoints. ## (Option1): Installing the chart separately First, you need to install the mongodb chart, please refer to the [mongodb](../mongodb) for more information. After you've deployted the mongodb chart successfully, run `kubectl get svc` to get the service endpoint and URL respectively, i.e. `mongodb:27017`. To install prompt-usvc chart, run the following: ```console cd GenAIInfra/helm-charts/common/prompt-usvc export MONGO_HOST="mongodb" export MONGO_PORT="27017" helm dependency update helm install prompt-usvc . --set MONGO_HOST=${MONGO_HOST} --set MONGO_PORT=${MONGO_PORT} ``` ## (Option2): Installing the chart with dependencies automatically ```console cd GenAIInfra/helm-charts/common/prompt-usvc helm dependency update helm install prompt-usvc . --set mongodb.enabled=true ``` ## Verify To verify the installation, run the command `kubectl get pod` to make sure all pods are running. Then run the command `kubectl port-forward svc/prompt-usvc 6018:6018` to expose the prompt-usvc service for access. Open another terminal and run the following command to verify the service if working: ```console curl -X 'POST' \ http://localhost:6018/v1/prompt/create \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"prompt_text": "test prompt", "user": "test"}'; ``` ## Values | Key | Type | Default | Description | | ---------------- | ------ | ----------------------------- | ----------- | | image.repository | string | `"opea/promptregistry-mongo"` | | | service.port | string | `"6018"` | | | MONGO_HOST | string | `""` | | | MONGO_PORT | string | `""` | |