# Visual Question and Answering
Visual Question Answering (VQA) is the task of answering open-ended questions based on an image. The input to models supporting this task is typically a combination of an image and a question, and the output is an answer expressed in natural language.
Some noteworthy use case examples for VQA include:
- Accessibility applications for visually impaired individuals.
- Education: posing questions about visual materials presented in lectures or textbooks. VQA can also be utilized in interactive museum exhibits or historical sites.
- Customer service and e-commerce: VQA can enhance user experience by letting users ask questions about products.
- Image retrieval: VQA models can be used to retrieve images with specific characteristics. For example, the user can ask “Is there a dog?” to find all images with dogs from a set of images.
General architecture of VQA shows below:

The VisualQnA example is implemented using the component-level microservices defined in [GenAIComps](https://github.com/opea-project/GenAIComps). The flow chart below shows the information flow between different microservices for this example.
nodeSpacing: 400
rankSpacing: 100
curve: linear
fontSize: 50px
flowchart LR
%% Colors %%
classDef blue fill:#ADD8E6,stroke:#ADD8E6,stroke-width:2px,fill-opacity:0.5
classDef orange fill:#FBAA60,stroke:#ADD8E6,stroke-width:2px,fill-opacity:0.5
classDef orchid fill:#C26DBC,stroke:#ADD8E6,stroke-width:2px,fill-opacity:0.5
classDef invisible fill:transparent,stroke:transparent;
style VisualQnA-MegaService stroke:#000000
%% Subgraphs %%
subgraph VisualQnA-MegaService["VisualQnA MegaService "]
direction LR
LVM([LVM MicroService]):::blue
subgraph UserInterface[" User Interface "]
direction LR
a([User Input Query]):::orchid
Ingest([Ingest data]):::orchid
UI([UI server
LVM_gen{{LVM Service
GW([VisualQnA GateWay
NG([Nginx MicroService]):::blue
%% Questions interaction
direction LR
Ingest[Ingest data] --> UI
a[User Input Query] --> |Need Proxy Server|NG
a[User Input Query] --> UI
NG --> UI
UI --> GW
GW <==> VisualQnA-MegaService
%% Embedding service flow
direction LR
LVM <-.-> LVM_gen
This example guides you through how to deploy a [LLaVA-NeXT](https://github.com/LLaVA-VL/LLaVA-NeXT) (Open Large Multimodal Models) model on [Intel Gaudi2](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/details/processors/ai-accelerators/gaudi-overview.html) and [Intel Xeon Scalable Processors](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/details/processors/xeon.html). We invite contributions from other hardware vendors to expand the OPEA ecosystem.

## Required Models
By default, the model is set to `llava-hf/llava-v1.6-mistral-7b-hf`. To use a different model, update the `LVM_MODEL_ID` variable in the [`set_env.sh`](./docker_compose/intel/hpu/gaudi/set_env.sh) file.
export LVM_MODEL_ID="llava-hf/llava-v1.6-mistral-7b-hf"
You can choose other llava-next models, such as `llava-hf/llava-v1.6-vicuna-13b-hf`, as needed.
## Deploy VisualQnA Service
The VisualQnA service can be effortlessly deployed on either Intel Gaudi2 or Intel Xeon Scalable Processors.
Currently we support deploying VisualQnA services with docker compose.
### Setup Environment Variable
To set up environment variables for deploying VisualQnA services, follow these steps:
1. Set the required environment variables:
# Example: host_ip=""
export host_ip="External_Public_IP"
# Example: no_proxy="localhost,,"
export no_proxy="Your_No_Proxy"
2. If you are in a proxy environment, also set the proxy-related environment variables:
export http_proxy="Your_HTTP_Proxy"
export https_proxy="Your_HTTPs_Proxy"
3. Set up other environment variables:
> Notice that you can only choose **one** command below to set up envs according to your hardware. Other that the port numbers may be set incorrectly.
# on Gaudi
source ./docker_compose/intel/hpu/gaudi/set_env.sh
# on Xeon
source ./docker_compose/intel/cpu/xeon/set_env.sh
### Deploy VisualQnA on Gaudi
Refer to the [Gaudi Guide](./docker_compose/intel/hpu/gaudi/README.md) to build docker images from source.
Find the corresponding [compose.yaml](./docker_compose/intel/hpu/gaudi/compose.yaml).
cd GenAIExamples/VisualQnA/docker_compose/intel/hpu/gaudi/
docker compose up -d
### Deploy VisualQnA on Xeon
Refer to the [Xeon Guide](./docker_compose/intel/cpu/xeon/README.md) for more instructions on building docker images from source.
Find the corresponding [compose.yaml](./docker_compose/intel/cpu/xeon/compose.yaml).
cd GenAIExamples/VisualQnA/docker_compose/intel/cpu/xeon/
docker compose up -d
### Deploy VisualQnA on Kubernetes using Helm Chart
Refer to the [VisualQnA helm chart](./kubernetes/helm/README.md) for instructions on deploying VisualQnA on Kubernetes.