# Deploy ChatQnA on Kubernetes cluster - You should have Helm (version >= 3.15) installed. Refer to the [Helm Installation Guide](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/) for more information. - For more deploy options, refer to [helm charts README](https://github.com/opea-project/GenAIInfra/tree/main/helm-charts#readme). ## Deploy on Xeon ``` export HFTOKEN="insert-your-huggingface-token-here" helm install chatqna oci://ghcr.io/opea-project/charts/chatqna --set global.HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN=${HFTOKEN} -f cpu-values.yaml ``` ## Deploy on Gaudi ``` export HFTOKEN="insert-your-huggingface-token-here" helm install chatqna oci://ghcr.io/opea-project/charts/chatqna --set global.HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN=${HFTOKEN} -f gaudi-vllm-values.yaml ``` ## Deploy variants of ChatQnA ChatQnA is configurable and you can enable/disable features by providing values.yaml file. For example, to run with tgi instead of vllm inference engine on Gaudi hardware, use gaudi-tgi-values.yaml file: ``` export HFTOKEN="insert-your-huggingface-token-here" helm install chatqna oci://ghcr.io/opea-project/charts/chatqna --set global.HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN=${HFTOKEN} -f gaudi-tgi-values.yaml ``` See other *-values.yaml files in this directory for more reference.