# Plan Execute This strategy is a practise provided with [LangGraph](https://github.com/langchain-ai/langgraph/blob/main/examples/plan-and-execute/plan-and-execute.ipynb?ref=blog.langchain.dev) 1. Planner Plan steps to achieve final Goal => Goto "Executor" 2. Executor: Leverage React Agent Executor to complete steps one by one => Goto "Planner" 3. Replanner: Judge on executor result and provide response => Goto "CompletionChecker" 4. CompletionChecker: Judge on Replanner output - option plan_executor: Goto "Executor" - option END: Complete the query with Final answer. ![PlanExecute](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/langchain-ai/langgraph/3a53843185d64a2759fb422c74e967d462315246/examples/plan-and-execute/img/plan-and-execute.png)