memory bandwidth exporter

Pod/container grained memory bandwidth exporter provides users memory bandwidth metrics of their running containers. The metrics include llc_occupancy, mbm_local_bytes, mbm_total_bytes, cpu utilization and memory usage, and the metrics have been processed. In addition to container-level metrics, it also provides class-level and socket-level metrics. Users can configure the list of metrics to be collected. It serves as an exporter which can be connected to Promethus-like obserbility tools. And it also can be used as a telementry provider.

Memory bandwidth exporter makes use of state-of-the-art technologies like NRI to build a resource-efficient and well-maintained solution. This solution provides observability to memory bandwidth to OPEA micro-services. It lays the groundwork of better scaling and auto scaling of OPEA. It can also be deployed separately on end user environments, supporting any cases that memory bandwidth metrics are required.

The memory bandwidth exporter currently only supports Intel platforms with RDT, and will fail on other platforms. We will add node feature discovery in the future.


Enable NRI in Containerd

# download containerd binary, containerd version v1.7.0 or higher is required

# stop running containerd
sudo systemctl stop containerd

# replace old containerd
sudo tar Cxzvf /usr/local containerd-1.7.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz

# enable NRI in containerd
# add an item in /etc/containerd/config.toml
    disable = false
    disable_connections = false
    plugin_config_path = "/etc/containerd/certs.d"
    plugin_path = "/opt/nri/plugins"
    socket_path = "/var/run/nri/nri.sock"
    config_file = "/etc/nri/nri.conf"

# restart containerd
sudo systemctl start containerd
sudo systemctl status containerd

# test nri
git clone
cd nri
./build/bin/logger -idx 00

Enable RDT

Mount resctrl to the directory /sys/fs/resctrl:

sudo mount -t resctrl resctrl /sys/fs/resctrl

Setup memory bandwidth exporter

Before setup, you need to configure the runc hook:


How to build the binary and setup?

make build
sudo ./bin/memory-bandwidth-exporter
# e.g., sudo ./bin/memory-bandwidth-exporter<node_name> --collector.container.namespaceWhiteList="calico-apiserver,calico-system,kube-system,tigera-operator"

# get memory bandwidth metrics
curl http://localhost:9100/metrics

How to build the docker image and setup?

sudo docker run \
  -e NODE_NAME=<node_name> \
  -e NAMESPACE_WHITELIST="kube-system" \
  -e CLASS_METRICS="none" \
  -e NODE_METRICS="none" \
  -e WEB_LISTEN_ADDRESS=":9100" \
  --mount type=bind,source=/etc/containers/oci/hooks.d/,target=/etc/containers/oci/hooks.d/ \
  --privileged \
  --cgroupns=host \
  --pid=host \
  --mount type=bind,source=/usr/,target=/usr/ \
  --mount type=bind,source=/sys/fs/resctrl/,target=/sys/fs/resctrl/ \
  --mount type=bind,source=/var/run/nri/,target=/var/run/nri/ \
  -d -p 9100:9100 \
  --name=memory-bandwidth-exporter \

# get memory bandwidth metrics
curl http://localhost:9100/metrics

How to deploy on the K8s cluster?

Build and push your image to the location specified by MBE_IMG, and apply manifest:

make docker.push MBE_IMG=<some-registry>/opea/memory-bandwidth-exporter:<tag>
make change_img MBE_IMG=<some-registry>/opea/memory-bandwidth-exporter:<tag>
# If namespace system does not exist, create it.
kubectl create ns system
kubectl apply -f config/manifests/memory-bandwidth-exporter.yaml

Check the installation result:

kubectl get pods -n system
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
memory-bandwidth-exporter-zxhdl   1/1     Running   0          3m

get memory bandwidth metrics

curl http://<memory_bandwidth_exporter_container_ip>:9100/metrics

How to delete binary?

make clean

More flags about memory bandwidth exporter

There are some flags to help users better use memory bandwidth exporter:

-h, --[no-]help                               Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).""                      Give node name.
--collector.container.namespaceWhiteList=""   Filter out containers whose namespaces belong to the namespace whitelist, namespaces separated by commas, like "xx,xx,xx".
--collector.container.monTimes=10             Scan the pids of containers created before the exporter starts to prevent the loss of pids.
--collector.container.metrics="all"           Enable container collector metrics.
--collector.class.metrics="none"              Enable class collector metrics.
--collector.node.metrics="none"               Enable node collector metrics.
--web.telemetry-path="/metrics"               Path under which to expose metrics.
--[no-]web.disable-exporter-metrics           Exclude metrics about the exporter itself (promhttp_*, process_*, go_*).
--web.max-requests=40                         Maximum number of parallel scrape requests. Use 0 to disable.
--runtime.gomaxprocs=1                        The target number of CPUs Go will run on (GOMAXPROCS) ($GOMAXPROCS)
--[no-]web.systemd-socket                     Use systemd socket activation listeners instead of port listeners (Linux only).
--web.listen-address=:9100 ...                Addresses on which to expose metrics and web interface. Repeatable for multiple addresses.
--web.config.file=""                          Path to configuration file that can enable TLS or authentication. See:
--collector.interval=3s                       memory bandwidth exporter collect metrics interval"mb-nri-plugin"              Plugin name to register to NRI
--NRIplugin.idx="11"                          Plugin index to register to NRI
--[no-]disableWatch                           Disable watching hook directories for new hooks
--log.level=info                              Only log messages with the given severity or above. One of: [debug, info, warn, error]
--log.format=logfmt                           Output format of log messages. One of: [logfmt, json]
--[no-]version                                Show application version.